I'm going to keep this short as there isn't a ton of information to go off of here, but we can chalk this one up as a win for the almost-assassinated man who turned the tides on the hitmen come to kill. 

The video starts with a solo car parked on the side of the road. Shortly after another car pulls up alongside it and three men exit, with guns in hand, and begin to make their way to their target. Though before any of them could finish the job, the person sitting in the parked car they are targeting begins letting off rounds through his windshield. 

Execution Attempt Gone Wrong Target Returns Fire With Multiple Guns
byu/noahstemann inPublicFreakout

It appears that one of the would-be assassins was hit by the man in the car, we cannot tell for certain. But before the video ends the car that was targeted speeds off (hopefully to safer pastures). 

Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks being John Wick is as glamorous as the big screen makes him out to be. If you're in the work of killing people, you can't be surprised when they try to return the favor.